Founded in 1885, the Daughters of the King is an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with the Episcopal Church, or churches who are in the Historic Episcopate under a rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirming the promises made at Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism: dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her church. The St. Monnica Chapter was formed in 1990. Prospective members undertake a 3 month study to discern if they are interested in becoming Daughters. New members are welcome. | ![]() |
A High Calling
The Daughters of the King of St. Georges Chapter will celebrate their 30th anniversary this Sunday August 30th at the 10:00 Eucharist. We look forward to celebrating their long ministry in our parish.
The Daughters of the King are women both lay and ordained who desire a closer walk with Jesus Christ, strengthened through the discipline of a Rule of Life, and supported through the companionship of their sisters in the order. All are at different stages of their Christian journey – some have just begun and some have been on this path for many years. But no matter how long the sacred journey, their goal is the same and their Vision Statement says it best: Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision as Daughters of the King is to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world.
So what makes the Daughters of the King different from other religious organizations? A Christian order is a community of men or women living under a religious rule. Because Daughters of the King accept a Rule of Life, they define themselves as an order, not an organization. Their community is found primarily in the local parish chapters, but it extends around the world. After a three-month period of study and discernment, new members take vows to uphold the two Rules of The Order, the
Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. These two rules together comprise their Rule of Life.
A Rule of Life is a self-imposed spiritual discipline practiced daily by an individual. It includes regular and seasonal devotions, both private and public, and is a commitment intelligently and prayerfully considered. A rule of life sets apart an order from other church organizations. By reaffirmation of the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish.
Each member’s personal Rule of Life reflects her unique spiritual journey. A Daughter’s Rule of Life is not taken lightly, but is developed prayerfully with God’s guidance. The Rule is not meant to be fixed, but flexible; it is begun simply and is reviewed regularly to accommodate changing life circumstances and one’s spiritual growth.
At The Service of Admission, a new Daughter receives the cross of The Order as a mark of her membership. It is a modified Greek Fleury cross, inscribed in Latin, “Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine,” meaning “With heart, mind and spirit uphold and bear the cross.” At the base of the cross are the letters “FHS”, initials that stand for the Motto of The Order: “For His Sake.”
Does this special order of devotion appeal to you? Speak to any member of the order, easily identified by their special silver cross, about the Order and how to become a member.
Morgan Gardner+
St. Monnica Chapter, Daughters of the King
Thirty years ago, a group of women at St. George’s were introduced to the Order of the Daughters of the King by the Diocesan President of the Order who visited the church to let us know what the Daughters were all about. A group of us went through the study/discernment process to become Daughters and our chapter was installed August 26, 1990.
This Sunday, we will recognize the commitment to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom of the women who have become Daughters in the St. Monnica Chapter. Some have moved on to other parts of the world, some have passed on to be with God, and some of us are still here! We are grateful to be a presence at St. George’s Church.
Kathy Zinskie
St. George's Social Pages