Welcome to St. George’s Episcopal Church, a diverse Christian community located in the Denbigh area of Newport News.  Our mission is to celebrate, proclaim, and share God’s love.  Through worship, fellowship, and study, we seek to deepen our relationships with God and one another; and through our active engagement in outreach ministries in our local area, we seek to serve all God’s people, especially those whom Jesus calls “the least of these.”  We hope that our website helps you learn more about who we are.  Especially we hope that you will come and spend time with us so that we can seek and serve Christ together.
We look forward to welcoming you!

JOIN US for SUNDAY WORSHIP – Fourth Sunday Lent,
March 30, 2025 -10:30 am
Zoom link for the other events


COVID-19 Updates – January 5, 2022

Click here for current guidance and updates from Bishop Haynes and the Health Advisory Panel.

FaceBook live: Click here on Sunday!

Scroll down until you see “Videos”, find this Sunday’s video

then click on it to play

Zoom: Click here on Sunday!

Meeting ID: 117 414 681 – Password: 016023